Buy Surgiderm 30XP
Surgiderm 30xp is the dense filler. It is used with the aim of improving skin turgor. This approach contributes to the effect of facelift and rejuvenation. In appearance, the composition is a gel which is described as:
- monophase;
- transparent;
- homogeneous;
- dense.
All this makes the composition the No. 1 preparation in the whole line of products. Though it is in great demand, it is possible to buy Surgiderm 30xp online discounts being granted.
Technology and Effect Worth the Surgiderm 30xp Price
The preparation is obtained during the synthesis of the matrix molecular structure of hyaluronic acid which acts as the main component. This technology involves several cleansing stages. It is called 3D Hyaluronic Acid Matrix.
Buy Surgiderm 30XP from suppliers
In the process of such an impact, the molecule acquires the property of becoming covered with cross-links, and the substance becomes resistant to destructive factors. The solution is sterile, and what concerns this characteristic, it is fully consistent with European standards.
Indications for Use of the Composition
The main objective of the product is to strengthen the skin turgor and to provide a lifting effect. It also lifts the corners of the main parts of the faces ‒ the eyebrows and the lips. There are several problems that can be overcome through the use of this filler:
- incorrect facial contours;
- sagging corners of the lips and eyebrows;
- the need to reconstruct the tissue deficit in the area of the cheeks that are hollow;
- correction of the shape and volume of the lips;
- fight against flabbiness of the skin;
- filling in the folds of any depth and size;
- elimination of scars.
The duration of the effect of the preparation is from 12 to 18 months. This is the longest result in comparison with the other products of this line.
Contraindications and Restrictions
Immediately after the administration of the preparation, edema and hyperemia may occur on the skin. However, these symptoms will not last more than three days. There is also a probability of unpleasant sensations in the area of the filler introduction. There are several restrictions on the use of the product. Thus, it is strictly prohibited to use the preparation in the case of:
Buy Surgiderm 30XP for sale cheap
- an allergic reaction to the main components of the product;
- autoimmune pathologies;
- an acute attack of chronic diseases;
- viral diseases;
- skin rashes in the area of the injection site;
- intake of anticoagulants;
- the likelihood of keloid scars;
- period of gestation;
- breastfeeding.
Buy Surgiderm 30XP in bulk
The preparation is sold in syringes. The package includes syringes filled with the gel, disposable needles of type 27 G1/ 2 and instructions describing how to use the product. It is recommended to store the composition in a dry place that is protected from light, at a temperature of 2-25 degrees. Before using the composition it is necessary to consult a specialist.
Buy Surgiderm 30XP from wholesalers
It is prohibited to use it on one’s own because of the contraindications. When the preparation is purchased from a Surgiderm 30xp supplier by a specialist, you can feel safe.
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